Yamin, Su and Kaung, international students from Myanmar currently SEISA Kokusai High School SHONAN 2nd year, participated in the online Karate (Kata) competition hosted by Myanmar Karate Federation (MKF) on Saturday, November 26, 2020.

The online competition was held via Zoom. The game is divided into five categories: Under 12, Under 14, Cadet, Junior, and Under21.

They competed in the Junior category. Total participants of the Junior category were ten men and five women. Although the competition was completely different from the usual one, they all showed their practiced Kata to the best of their abilities.

The results were as follows: in the women's division, Yamin came in the 3rd place and Su came in the 5th place. Kaung came in the 3rd place in the men's division.

More than anything else, it was very meaningful to be able to participate in such competition hosted in their home country while they are in Japan. Three of them seemed to be more enthusiastic and happy to compete than ever.

A meeting just before the competition


Kaung is performing Kata, Jion.


The first-ever online competition
