About Uganda

- Support for the construction of a bridge for children attending school.
- Support for expanding school classrooms.
- Support for international exchange.
In Omoro District, located in northern Uganda, there is KOMOREBI Primary School, which was established through cooperation between the people of Japan (NPO Gojo Club) and the people of Uganda. In Omoro, the climate changes drastically between the rainy season (October to December and March to May) and the dry season, which prevents children from going to school. To support infrastructure development at KOMOREBI Primary School, we are running a project called "Let's build a bridge in Uganda!".
uganda DATA
Surface Area:2,410,000 km2
Population:44,270,000(World Bank, 2019)
Language:English, Swahili, Luganda
Currency:Ugandan Shillings
Japanese in Uganda:235 people(2020)
Ugandan in Japan:794 people(2020)
* Data from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
uganda ViewUganda
Omoro, in northern Uganda, is an area that once suffered damage from rebel militants. Many lost their lives, were forced to flee their homes, and were deprived of educational opportunities. Even today, some Omoro residents still live in poverty and insecurity. But they haven't lost hope. They strive for peace and development and want a brighter future for their children.